24. januar 2014

Let’s all be on the same truck

Vi har modtaget den seneste beretning fra den Tanzanianske bestyrelse, sammen med uddannelsesplanerne for samtlige børn. Vi vil gerne bringe en stor TAK videre fra Tanzania til jer, vores medlemmer.

Det er vigtigt for bestyrelsen i Tanzania at holde os i Danmark informeret, og vi vil gerne dele denne hilsen med jer.

"Dear Tanzibarn,

First of all we would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the members of Tanzibarn for the big job you are doing to support Tanzanian society. We know the funds you brought here is Tax payers, we understand that you don’t have too much money but according to your good cooperation you are supporting this Organization. We real appliciate and say THANK YOU.

Last year’s you gets many success and Challenges on running this organization. We as The New Board members of Tanzania we will try our level best to make sure that we solve all challenges from now in a good way so that to reach your goal.

We as the Board we are here for the children life’s, it will not be bad if we will give you short information of the children’s we have right now.

We have updated you so that we can be on the same truck."

Nu hvor vi alle er "on the same truck", vil vi i den danske organisation også gerne sende en tak ud til vores medlemmer og sponsorer, der er med til at sikre børnene en solid tanzaniansk uddannelse.


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